Friday, April 29, 2005

Accidental Solutions

Okay yes, we drank some of the wine that had been frozen and then thawed. How else were we supposed to know if it had been ruined?
The Problem

Our nice bottle opener is broken leaving us with two options:

  1. Use a cheap bottle opener that eats up the cork and adds undesired fiber to our wine.
- Or -
  1. Use a Swiss Army knife1

The Solution

Secret option IV: Put a bottle of wine in the freezer for 15 minutes to chill and then forget about it overnight.

Now granted, this solution may seem a little unorthodox and a bit time consuming, but did you actually read the title of this post? It’s not like we planned this.

I awoke this morning at about 3 AM with one thought running through my mind: “Holy crap the wine!” Needless to say I went right back to sleep. That is until I woke up again about 10 minutes later with the same thought running through my mind. Realizing that my subconscious wasn’t going to allow me any rest until I took care of the issue at hand, I got up and took a post-midnight stroll to the kitchen.

I’m glad to report that we were very fortunate; the bottle of wine was ruined. Our freezer was not. The wine didn’t expand quite enough to pop the cork all the way out. Which is to say there was about ¼ of an inch left in the bottle.

Oddly enough, this morning when I opened the fridge (where I placed the bottle of wine apparently, I don’t remember much more than the fact that I got up to check on the wine), I was surprised to find that the cork had shot out of the bottle. Why this should be I can’t imagine since (if I remember anything from middle school science) the wine should have been contracting as opposed to expanding. My guess? Elves did it.

Either that or the Swiss. They’re mad at us for being stingy and buying the cheap knives with only 15 accessories.


1This might be a more viable option if any of our Swiss army knives had corkscrews.


Blogger Anna hypothesized...

So, one can't drink wine that's been frozen? This somehow gunkifies the wine?

And I suppose what this really means is that I should bring a nice corkscrew with me next month ;)

Anonymous Anonymous hypothesized...

Yeah, after the freezing process, the whole bottle had stuff floating in it. Yucky. The wine has been demoted to cooking wine.

Anonymous Anonymous hypothesized...

A corkscrew would be good so long as you don't forget the other items from your packing list! Especially the baby elephant!

Anonymous Anonymous hypothesized...

Sounds like a lovely gift to the young couple, Anna. Just don't pack it in your carry-on ;)

Incidentally, I could explain the whole temperature process to you and explain how the cork came loose if you truly would combine my supreme understanding of both biology and chemistry...I'll start preparing the Power Point presentation now. Then give it to Dave this summer, and thoroughly train him in the application of science so that he can teach Lissa so that they never have this unfortunate travesty occur again.



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