Tuesday, October 10, 2006

We're No Art Connaisseurs...

Dave and I have discovered that we have very different taste in art. It's not that either of us has bad taste (except maybe me...), it's just that we don't tend to like the same things. When one of us falls in love with a painting, it's almost guaranteed the other will hate it.

So imagine our surprise when our cafeteria was hosting a local artist, and we found something we could agree on! It was afordable, so we got it. I think I like it a bit more than Dave did, but that's ok. When we took it to the Frame shop, we lucked out again and found another piece we both agreed on, and got that one as well. We'll revise this post once we have everything framed and home. Meanwhile...here is the painting.
I like this beause it's historical, it's in Paris, it's got a lot of geometric shapes within the painting, I and like the vivid colors. The Eiffel tower is unfinished, and there's that white space of unpainted canvas in the middle. (in short...it's shiny and and caught my attention. I like pretties).


Blogger Anna hypothesized...

Don't ever feel bad about using "shiny" as a justification to like art. Perhaps Lauren will concur, butI know that the reason that I generally give to pursuing studies in art history is that I enjoy "pretty shiny things" :)

Anonymous Anonymous hypothesized...

Something like that, Anna, or just broken old things... ;)
I also say liking something is a better reason to have it than thinking you should like it is.


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