Saturday, November 04, 2006


Quite a bit has happened since our last posting, but most of it was pretty boring and mundane and of the "we went to work today" variety, so I'll just concentrate on the fun and exciting highlights such as:

London 2006: Revenge of the Teeth

We recently took another trip to London. Overall it was a pretty nice time: we did a little shopping, ate at some fun restaurants, Melissa had four wisdom teeth carved out of her skull... basic vacation stuff.

I'm happy to report that Melissa is recovering well after her surgery. She had a couple of very difficult extractions that made her recovery time a bit more prolonged than it would have been had she had "normal" extractions, but she's been back to a fairly normal diet for about week now.

The 'Golden Eagle Imbibing Emporium.' I know what it means, but that doesn't stop it from sounding highly sketchy.Unfortunately, due to the surgical nature of our visit, we didn't see much of London. I would occasionally go out and walk around our neighborhood a bit, but I invariably would forget to take my camera on these excursions. Hence, the only picture we have from our most recent trip to London is the view from the corner window of our hotel room1.


Allhallows Eve, November Eve, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Candy Night, Sugar-O-Rama! As a costumer, this is more or less the event of the year for Melissa. For me, it's pretty much just another day to dress up as a Jedi in public.

This post would ramble on much longer than normal if I tried to include even a fraction of our pictures from the two Halloween events we attended this year, so I'm just hitting the lowlights. For more October 31st related pictures and words, click on over to Melissa's Costume Site.

Hey baby, is that your natural hair color?Melissa as Marie Antoinette. This costume won her the award for Best Adult Costume at the kids' Halloween party. For that she got to bring home absolutely nothing. I told her we should just choose our own prize and steal a kid, but apparently Poland's kipnapping laws are pretty harsh. Besides, children tend to smell. Especially the easily concealabe ones.

Thank God for Jedi cloaks covering up lazy eyes. Wait... the left eye is the squinty one. Rephrase: Supid Jedi cloak! Why couldn't you cover up the other eye?Me as a Jedi. I really wasn't trying to be any particular Jedi, but everyone called me "Obi" anyway. I guess that makes me Obi-wan as a padawan since I have no beard. And knowing that makes me an incredibly huge geek.

I should also mention that Melissa was upset with me for wearing a white t-shirt underneath my tunic. I think she's worried that it ruins some of the effect of the costume. For that reason I must do the following:

::Jedi mind trick:: You don't see a white t-shirt showing in this picture. The neck of my Jedi tunic comes to a perfect V in the middle.

This particular meshing of costume genres is just too bizarre for words.Melissa and I posing with Nadia in the costume Melissa made for her. We had to coax her out of her winter coat to get this picture.

Luke, I am your cross dressing father.David (a different one) posing with Melissa in his "Costume by Melissa." David and I went as a pair this year for Halloween. I was the young padawan and he was the geriatric master. I don't recall how the wig got on his head, but I think he looks quite fetching in it. Perhaps I'll have to borrow it the next time I break out my Jedi outfit3.


1This is not technically true. We also had some pictures of the teeth they excised from Melissa, but she's being a fuddy duddy and insists that no one wants to see that2. Personally, I was fascinated by them. Clearly my oral surgeon was holding out on me when I had my wisdom teeth pulled.

2She also wouldn't allow me to leave the clear plastic envelope, in which we received the teeth, in a prominent location for hotel housekeeping to find.



Anonymous Anonymous hypothesized...

What would happen if you wore the Jedi costume to work, Dave? I would love to know. And regardless of the answer, I think you should do it.
Melissa, your costume looks fantastic. As if you didn't know that!


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