Didn't We Just Do This?
As most of you probably know, we've arrived safely in Brussels and we're settled (somewhat) into our apartment. We just received our primary shipment of household effects a week ago, so our place currently looks as though it's been hit by a tidal wave that unearthed some long-dead civilization.
The movers brought our copious piles of crap (CPC) up from the street using a lift that for some reason reminded me of a trebuchet. I kept expecting the movers to set our CPC ablaze and send them hurtling through the air towards the enemy ramparts. Perhaps these visions are the result of the combination of an overactive imagination and living in a medieval city.
In addition to having Everest-sized piles of stuff to sort through, we also have: no internet connection (until about 5 minutes ago), no TV cabinet, and very few power transformers. On the plus side though, we do have two bars! We are, however, somewhat lacking in the booze department. I'm sure living in one of the beer capitals of the world will soon alleviate that problem.
There was also a minor dishwasher leak, but maintenance took care of that: they just removed our dishwasher. Problem solved! It was a somewhat disconcerting experience to come home and find the dishwasher missing.
They were so kind as to deliver a new dishwasher a few days ago, but of course, the second the repairdude walked out the door it quit working. I think Melissa's dad (you know, the engineer) and I have managed to get it up and running again, but we've discovered a leak in the main drain in the process.1
The Gidge is the only one who seems pleased with the state of disarray we've had thrust upon us. She's been whiling away the hours playing with all of her stuff and being startled by small bits of fluff.2
1No, we didn't cause the leak in our repair attempts.
2Small bits of fluff which usually originate from her tail.
I find it interesting that a business/finance dude and an airplane engineer dude could at least fix the dishwasher and find the leak that two visits from a repairman didn't manage to find! Good work men. Melissa and I are proud of you! MIL
Was the old man from Family Guy there to help unpack? ;)
Hey David and Melissa! I'm glad to hear you're starting to get settled in there in Brussels! I'm sorry we didn't get together while you were here. Anyway, just wanted to leave a little note to say hello. Hope you're both doing well!! - Laura (Tepper) Ryan
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