Friday, April 30, 2010

Get Inclined

I'm just going to throw this out there now: there are a lot of photos following this text (84 to be precise).

What follows is a selection of photos from my hike up the Manitou Incline on Sunday, April 25th, 2010. We started a little before sunrise, so the pictures of the sun coming up are from about half way up the incline. Then there are a few pictures from the top of the incline. The rest are from the trip down on the Barr Trail.

On the way down I took part in an exercise to practice photo composition, which resulted in my taking a few hundred photos. The exercise was this: I couldn't stop to take a photo. At most I was allowed to pause mid-stride. There are a few photos where I cheated a little bit, but only in the sense that I took them while we were already stopped.



Blogger Fireflyinva hypothesized...

That looks beautiful, inspiring--and tiring! Glad to see you are still having fun days off--give up some news, we still follow you!

Anonymous Anonymous hypothesized...

amazing, Dave! I'm with Firefly! I hear you made it to the East Coast safely!



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